First of all, thanks for checking this page! That means you want to know more about me, and I appreciate that!
The name I go by on the internet is Division 六 (although I also use A Japanese Soldier on Wikias and Division6Tank on DeviantArt), and I'm the owner of this site.
I'm mostly known for the few sprite sheets I've done, but I've also helped some projects such as fan-games and video projects by providing custom assets and rips.

If you want to learn a bit more about me, here's some facts about me:

- I like skiing, hiking and via-ferratas.
- I'm quite fond of havelock caps. Pretty fancy to wear in summer! Or in a forgotten underground hideout... In fact, I do have my very own havelock cap!
- My favorite Metal Slug games are MS1, 2, 3 and 6.
- Apart from that series, my other favorite games are Neo Turf Masters, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Cruis'n World, Metro Exodus, Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin! and Wolfenstein: The New Order.
- Even though my coding skills are far from great, I do have a pretty extensive knowledge on how codes work.
- I use Photoshop CC (2019) to do all my spriting related stuff (making sprites, piece back graphic tiles, sprite sheets).
- Kazuhiro Tanaka (Max.D)'s artstyle is my favorite type of artstyle of all times.
- Although I love the MS games, I also suck pretty hard at them!